17% Steel Perf Panel

17% Steel Perf Panel

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Iwo mapaneru ane perforated achashandiswa pamwe chete neese bhaudhi pane tambo dzakasimudzwa pasi masisitimu.Iyo damper inoburitsa uye inodzora kuyerera kwemhepo inotonhorera yepasi ine conditioned mukombuta/midziyo/Data centre kamuri nharaunda dzinowanzo gadzira huwandu hwakanyanya hwekupisa.

Iwo UPFLOOR perforated mapaneru akagadzirwa uye anogadzirwa kuti ashandiswe neUPFLOOR's yakazara huwandu hwekupinda pasi masisitimu.Iwo anogona kutsanangurwa kuti ashandiswe pamwe neSimbi Access Floor Systems kana Woodcore/Calcaium Sulphate musimboti Access Floor Systems.


Any requirement of technical details/test report/certificate/new products and etc, Please ask details through company sales by email:  susan@upinfloor.com

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17% Perforated Panel Ine&Isina Damper

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